I have gained experience in various areas including the following responsibilities and achievements:
The set up of a procurement organisation which included satisfying our client and clients lawyers that we had a robust process and knowledge of the public procurement and PfS requirements
ICT requirement (15 schools) – The OJEU, PQQ and subsequent tender Initiated by me and taken from the OJEU notice through the PQQ and MOI stage. He then managed a team who took the requirement through the various steps of the Competitive Dialogue process.
Construction & FM – managed the team who are responsible for the award of construction of 2 new schools and the associated FM (Restricted / Competitive Dialogue)
Duration – 2 years
Supported the tender (successful) to place VT 4S onto the framework for ICT consultancy and support.
Duration – 3 months
Led the procurement stream in the joint VT / Mouchel bid to deliver improved services and value for money in the various outsourced (£2 billion) areas (Competitive Dialogue).
Duration – 6 months (2 weeks ‘lock-in’ prior to bid submission)
Provided advise and guidance on the structure of a number of bids
Advised on a small number of unsuccessful bids on the ability to clarify decisions and ultimately challenge decisions.
Duration – ongoing over the last 3 years